Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SMARTBoard Basics

From orientating your board to using the Lesson Activity Kit to creating your own lessons, this in-service should answer some if not all of your questions.
If you have questions after the in-service comment here and we'll get an answer back to you.

After Hours: If you couldn't attend the Basic in-service today you can open the link to the SMART notebook presentation file and see what we did. You can also use it to practice. We couldn't open it in the primary lab. My version was newer than the lab software but it should work in your room as it was created on version 10. It has videos and links to resources. Check it out.
SMART Basics Presentation

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Day of Discovery

It was great to see so many Newport-Mesa teachers show up at the Discovery Event. Dr. Rafferty and Mr. Eddy were sprucing up the campus early in the morning and Mrs. Brusic helped clean up the monitor screens in the lab. Even though there was some difficulties with the wireless system for non district employees, it turned out to be a great event with about 200 attendees. Everybody was inspired by Hall Davidson's keynote and ready to become a STAR teacher. Ms. Lopez braved a space trip and baby Finn modeled for the digital photography class. It was quite a day.
Become a DEN STAR teacher and then sign up for the DEN Summer Institute. It's not to late, the deadline is April 26th.